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The right choice is in your hands. Each GLOCK delivers on our promise of safety, reliability, and simplicity at an affordable price.

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Why Remington?

From muskets to modern day, generations of hunters and shooters have trusted legendary Remington ammunition. Loaded in Lonoke, Arkansas by American workers, our wide array of pioneering sporting and hunting ammunition promises to get the job done every time the trigger is pulled. At Remington Ammunition, we’re here for everyone who loads a round of ammo into a handgun, rifle, or shotgun.

We’ve been here since 1816. Together, Remington and America have fought and won wars, put food on millions of tables and brought countless generations together at the range and in the field. We are proud of each and every round that rolls off our factory line. Bringing a renewed focus to ammunition, innovation, and quality, we are reinvigorating our company so you can continue to trust our brand and our products – all while staying true to Remington’s legendary heritage and stature as an American icon.

Welcome to a New Era of Remington.

Want to learn more?

Being ready for anything, always, takes a practical long term approach to education and accumulation of trusted supplies necessary to keep you safe when facing the unexpected.

We’re here to get you prepared.

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