If you’re looking for all the latest and greatest news as well as deep-dive info on Springfield Armory®, you have arrived. From a history of the company to a repository of manuals to giveaways to much more, everything you need is right here.
Why Springfield?
In 1974, a passionate family by the name of Reese rescued not only the name “Springfield Armory®,” but the philosophy that drove it for centuries.
With reverence for the legacy of The Armory, the Reese family resurrected the most historically significant designs produced by The Armory – M1 Garand, 1911-A1, M14. Fueled by the same obsession for improved manufacturing techniques and cutting edge design that inspired the likes of John C. Garand, and John Browning, they have continued to develop products that are loyal to Springfield Armory’s heritage while ensuring The Armory’s place in the progression of American firearms.
Want to learn more?
Being ready for anything, always, takes a practical long term approach to education and accumulation of trusted supplies necessary to keep you safe when facing the unexpected.
We’re here to get you prepared.